Get the FREE short story set in the same world as the Sisters of Kilbride series!

Saturday, 8 December 2018

WARRIOR'S HEART is available on preorder!

💖💖💖 Preorder alert! 💖💖💖

WARRIOR'S HEART is available on preorder! The release date is January 22, 2019. This new series is the follow-up to my WARRIOR BROTHERS OF SKYE series, set in 4th Century Isle of Skye. We return to the isle twenty years late and follow the lives and loves of Galan, Tarl, and Donnel's offspring.

Love and hate are but different sides of the same blade.
Fina is a fierce Pict warrior of The Eagle tribe upon Dark Ages Isle of Skye. Strong-willed and lethal with a knife or a long-bow, she kneels to no man ... until the day she falls in battle and finds herself captive of the enemy.
Varar mac Urcal is the arrogant, ruthless chieftain of The Boar tribe. Although his father had held the peace with the neighboring tribe, relations have swiftly deteriorated since his death. When Varar takes the only enemy survivor of a violent skirmish prisoner, he intends to use Fina as a weapon to keep his enemies in check. Only, his strong attraction to his fiery captive risks complicating his ambitions.
But the conflict between the two tribes isn't the only threat to peace. When a group of invaders cross from the mainland intent on taking The Winged Isle as their own, the four tribes of the island must make a decision. Do they continue their feuding and risk annihilation, or do they band together against the invaders?
Fina and Varar must also make a choice. Love or hate—they have to decide.

💖 Preorder your copy here, and it will be delivered to your Kindle on Jan 22nd!💖

Sunday, 14 October 2018

LORD OF THE NORTH WIND is available!

LORD OF THE NORTH WIND is now available! It's been a great launch so far, and readers are loving Aldfrith, my Philosopher King.

For those of you with Amazon Prime subscriptions who have been patiently waiting ... LORD OF THE NORTH WIND is now in Kindle Unlimited!

Aldfrith's character was modeled a real historical figure: King Aldfrith of Northumbria. 

Here's what readers are saying about the book so far!

"I loved the realistic and engaging characters and the angsts of the passion and once in a life time love, that politically can never be." ★★★★★

"King Aldfrith, different as he is from most heroes I read, will stick with me for a while. I think I have a new favorite hero archetype - the philosopher king." ★★★★★


Here's a snippet (one of my favorite scenes!) from the book for you to enjoy


“I'm sorry, milord.” Osana took another hasty step backwards. “I was taking a walk. I didn’t mean to intrude.”

His dark blue gaze remained upon her for a long moment, before his mouth quirked. “You aren’t intruding.”

Osana gave a hurried curtsey and backed off farther. “I bid you good morning, sire.”

She turned to flee, still clutching the half-eaten apple. His voice, faintly tinged with amusement, stilled her. “It’s Osana, isn’t it?”

She turned back, her face warming under his scrutiny. “Aye … Raedwulf of Hagustaldes is my husband.”

He nodded. “I noticed you at the feast last night.”

He said those words without the slightest flirtation, yet Osana’s cheeks grew hotter still at that. What was wrong with her? She never blushed. He had caught her watching him at the feast. She had been observing him, thinking his attention was elsewhere, when his gaze had snapped up, ensnaring hers. She felt mortified now, as she had at the time.

One did not stare at the king—he would think her common and far too bold.

But when she forced herself to meet his eye, she saw that the king did not appear offended or disdainful.

Instead, he was watching her with cool interest. A moment later his gaze dropped to the apple she still clutched. “I didn’t think they were ripe enough yet. Was it a good apple?”

Now he’ll think me a thief.


Get your copy here:

Sunday, 23 September 2018

New project: THE PICT WARS series

Now that THE WARRIOR BROTHERS OF SKYE series is complete (the box-set is available too!), I'm now immersed in the next series: THE PICT WARS. 

We're still in 4th Century Isle of Skye, but this series starts twenty years after the last series ends. These are stories of Galan, Tarl, and Donnel's children. We start with Fina, who is Tarl and Lucrezia's daughter, and Varar (who's the Boar chieftain's son). This is an enemies to lovers story—with a bad boy in need of redemption. Check out the sexy cover ...with a smoldering Varar! You can see he's a bad boy. ;-)

Here's what the first book in the series, WARRIOR'S HEART is about...




Fina is a fierce Pict warrior of The Eagle tribe upon Dark Ages Isle of Skye. Strong-willed and lethal with a knife or a long-bow, she kneels to no man ... until the day she falls in battle and finds herself captive of the enemy.

Varar mac Urcal is the ruthless chieftain of The Boar tribe. Although his father had held the peace with the neighboring tribe, relations have swiftly deteriorated since his death. When Varar takes the only enemy survivor of a violent skirmish prisoner, he intends to use Fina as a weapon to keep his enemies in check. Only, his strong attraction to his fiery captive risks complicating his ambitions.

But the conflict between the two tribes isn't the only threat to peace. When a group of invaders cross from the mainland intent on taking The Winged Isle as their own, the four tribes of the island must make a decision. Do they continue their feuding and risk annihilation, or do they band together against the invaders?

Fina and Varar must also make a choice. Love or hate—they have to decide.

Friday, 22 June 2018

When is my next release?

I've been planning out my next year's writing—and have got lots of projects in the pipeline!

So far this year I've published two novels (which completes my Dark Ages Scottish series set in  4th Century Isle of Skye), and have a third up on pre-order for August (Book #2 of my Epic Fantasy Romance series). All going well, I should have another two releases (the last book in the Kingdom of Northumbria series, and a Dark Ages Scottish novella) by the end of the year!

Every week I do live videos on Facebook, and in my latest one I outline in detail my production schedule over the next fews months. To watch it, click on the image or the link below.

Monday, 21 May 2018

BATTLE EAGLE is 10 days away from release!

BATTLE EAGLE (Book #3: The Warrior Brothers of Skye) is just 10 days away from release date: May 31, 2018.
He grieves for the loss of his wife, she grieves for the loss of her innocence. An epic tale set in Dark Ages Scotland about the healing and redemptive power of love.
Eithni believes herself too damaged to ever find love, and Donnel vows he will never love again. Can they find their way out of the darkness together?

A healer upon Dark Ages Isle of Skye, Eithni enjoys her life with the tribe of The Eagle. However, the scars of the past—and harrowing memories of the man who stole her innocence—make it impossible for her to find happiness.

The 'Battle Eagle', Donnel, is a warrior of renown. Only bitterness has soured his character. He lost his wife in childbirth and now can't even bear to look at his son. The infant is a reminder of the woman he loved and lost. These days Donnel is intent on wreaking vengence upon the world.

Although cowed by his anger, Eithni challenges Donnel about his bitterness. She's determined to bring father and son together—even if he rejects her help. The Gathering of the Tribes upon the isle that summer changes Eithni and Donnel's lives forever. A chain of events brings them together, forcing them both to change and to open their hearts. But is love enough to heal the wounds of the past?

Scottish folklore: the Bean-Nighe

Have you ever heard of the Bean-Nighe—the washer woman? 

This fairy—a ghastly old woman that belonged to ancient Scottish folklore—could be found by streams and pools. She was an omen of death, as she washed the clothes of those who were about to die. 

In BATTLE EAGLE I use an eerie song about the Bean-Nighe I'd like to share with you here:

Tell me, haggard washer woman,
Whose clothes are washed this day?
I see the cloak of a chieftain
Within your basket, lay.
And is this wife to lose her man,
My heart to be forfeit?
And shall the banshee sing tonight,
To wail his lament?

The sky weeps with blackened clouds,
And spills its rain of tears,
The wind howls through the glen,
To warn The Reaper is near,
The old broch looks forlorn,
As darkness drapes its veil,
I wash my husband’s finest clothes,
That he may die well.

Tell me, haggard washer woman,
Whose clothes are washed this day?
I see a skirt that once was mine,
Within your basket, lay.
And can you wash it free of blood,
To cleanse my blackened soul?
And shall you say a charm for me,
Above my cold barrow?

(Adapted from a poem by Harry Boslem:…/the-washer-woman-bean-nighe-poem.html)

#battleeagle #warriorbrothersofskye

Saturday, 12 May 2018

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Book review: Born of No Man by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Wow ... this is a fantastic story. The author takes us straight into the heart of Arthurian Britannia with a tale that gives us the origins of the story of Merlin. 

At its heart though, it's a powerful romance: the story of Lynette and Cadfael the Black. She's a princess's handmaid, he's a powerful battle commander. She's loyal to a fault, while he's embittered after the brutal loss of his wife and son many years earlier, and has vowed to never live again.

Although this isn't a big book, the main characters are fleshed out excellently. Lynette is strong, sensitive, and tough. Cadfael is attracted to her from their first meeting, but held back by suspicion and bitterness. The scenes where their attraction deepens are fantastically written and filled with tension. I found their resolution highly emotional, and was delighted that they got their happy ending.

Tracy Cooper-Posey does her research too. Her descriptions of the historical setting, political set-up, and how people lived felt really authentic.

There aren't enough romances written in the Dark Ages so I was delighted to discover this one. I will definitely be reading the rest of the series!

Five stars! 

Check BORN OF NO MAN out on Amazon.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018


It's now just under two months until BATTLE EAGLE (Book #3 The Warrior Brothers of Skye). The novel is available on pre-order from Amazon, but while you patiently await for it to be delivered to your Kindle on May 31 2018, here is a scene from the novel for you to enjoy!

Excerpt from BATTLE EAGLE:
She caught up with him, just as he entered the stone arch that led towards the broch.
He ignored her, and so she reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling him up short. "Donnel--wait!"
He turned, his dark eyebrows rising in surprise. Not for the first time, Eithni was struck by just how handsome he was. The plaid breeches and leather vest he wore showed off his tall muscular body. His chiseled features, beautifully molded mouth, straight nose and long eyelashes were breathtaking. All three of the brothers--Galan, Tarl, and Donnel--were attractive but, to Eithni, Donnel was the most striking. Only, bitterness had cast a harshness over his features.
She had set eyes on Donnel mac Muin for the first time nearly two years earlier, at Tea and Galan's wedding. He had been married then; his lovely wife Luana heavily pregnant. Even so Eithni had been captivated by The Eagle warrior. How she had wished to find a man so handsome for herself.
But that was before she had returned home to Dun Ardtreck--before Forcus.
"You can't keep doing this," she gasped, out of breath from running after him. "It won't bring her back."
His mouth thinned, and his gaze narrowed. "What?"
"You have to let your anger go. Talor needs you."
His expression turned thunderous."We've had this conversation before, Eithni. I don't need to hear this again."
She put her hands on her hips. "Clearly, you do. Talor has just lost his uncle--a man he sees as a father.
Did she imagine it, or did Donnel flinch at that?
Headless she pressed on. "Mael is on her own now. She needs your help."

She saw a dangerous light ignite in those slate-grey eyes then. All three of the brothers had the same eyes, the color of a stormy sky.

Donnel stepped forward, leaned down, and pushed his face close to hers. "I never thought you to be simple-minded,"he growled, "but today I swear you have the brains of a goose. Heed me, woman. I do not wish to see the lad. Stop meddling and leave me alone."
He turned then and strode off, crossing toward the steps leading up to the broch.
Eithni did not follow him.
She dropped her hands from her hips, the fight going out of her. She suddenly felt shaky and close to tears. Confrontations were never easy for her at the best of times, but Donnel's grief had given his temper a vicious edge. He had left her badly shaken. Eithni inhaled sharply and dashed away a tear that rolled down her cheek.
Enough. Don't let the man get to you--don't waste tears on him.


Release date: May 31, 2018.


Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Author interview: Cecelia Mecca

Five minutes with Cecelia Mecca!

I know many of you love Cecelia Mecca's border series ... so here's an exclusive interview with the author herself. For those of you who haven't discovered Cecelia yet, she writes bestselling Historical Romance novels set on the Anglo-Scottish border during the 13th Century. I hope you enjoy the interview!

1. Tell us a little about the setting for the Border Series. Why the Anglo-Scottish border? Why the 13th Century? I've been a fan of medieval England for as long as I can remember. When starting my own series, I chose a period of relative peace to give the characters a chance to focus on their relationships. As I read about the borderlands described by some as the wild west of the middle ages, the idea of divided loyalties piqued my interested, and the Border Series was born.

2. Which of your heroes could you fall for the most—and why? I'm actually quite fickle and am a little bit in love with every hero as I'm writing him, so my current favorite hero is Tristan, Lord of Saxford whose story is coming out this summer in a secret collaborative project with two other Scottish romance authors.

3. Tell us three things about you that readers might be surprised to learn.I tried out for Survivor twice, ran fifteen half-marathons (and one full) and am not so patiently waiting for 'Winds of Winter.'

4. You’re working on The Warrior’s Queen at the moment … what excites you the most about this story? Finally giving the hero, Graeme deSowlis, chief of Clan Scott, an HEA of his own. He is a fan favorite and has been spurned twice. Once by Catrina from 'The Lord's Captive' who he thought he would marry since childhood, and again by Lady Emma from 'The Earl's Entanglement' prompting a plea from my editor to "give this poor guy a break." I had already begun his story when I read her comment so it gave me a chuckle.

5. How many more Border Series novels can we look forward to? What direction are you planning to take after that? The sixth book in the series comes out this May with seven and eight to follow later this year. With the help of the Border Ambassadors, my Facebook reader group, I'm currently working out the details of a brand new series which will make its debut in early 2019.

6. If you could go back in time for just one day—where would you go and how would you spend the day? I would go back to 13th century Bamburgh Castle, Northumbria, the inspiration for Kenshire Castle in the Border Series, to see how closely my vision of the middle ages aligns with reality. Although a highly romanticized view of the time period, the series is filled with nuggets of historical detail, and I take great pains to ensure accuracy so I would happily go back with a notebook for a one-of-a-kind research session.

About the Author

Cecelia Mecca is the author of the bestselling Border Series medieval romance. A former English teacher, Cecelia combines two of her passions, romance novels and the middle ages, transporting readers to an admittedly romanticized time of knights and castles. Her first series, set along the Anglo-Scottish border in 13th century Northumbria, turned Cecelia from educator to full-time author. The Border Series, including series starter, ‘The Thief’s Countess’ is known for its focus on well-developed characters and their steamy relationships leading to a satisfying HEA.

Cecelia lives in Northeast, Pennsylvania with her husband and two young children where she can be found either planning a Disney trip, watching period dramas or convincing her children to watch Star Wars. She is firmly House Stark and Gryffindor.

Find out more about Cecelia Mecca's novels at:
Check out Cecelia's latest release: The Earl's Entanglement
Check out Cecelia's next release: Ladies of the Stone


BATTLE EAGLE is available on pre-order!

You've all been so enthusiastic about BARBARIAN SLAVE that I got to work straight away on the third book in The Warrior Brothers of Skye series: BATTLE EAGLE. The novel will be released on May 31 2018, but it's already available on preorder.

Bitterness has made him cruel—only she can save him.

Eithni believes herself too damaged to ever find love, and Donnel vows he will never love again. Can they find their way out of the darkness together?

A healer upon Dark Ages Isle of Skye, Eithni
enjoys her life with the tribe of The Eagle. However, the scars of the past—and harrowing memories of the man who stole her innocence—make it impossible for her to find happiness.

The 'Battle Eagle', Donnel, is a warrior of renown. Only bitterness has soured his character. He lost his wife in childbirth and now can't even bear to look at his son. The infant is a reminder of the woman he loved and lost. These days Donnel is intent on wreaking vengence upon the world.

Although cowed by his anger, Eithni challenges Donnel about his bitterness. She's determined to bring father and son together—even if he rejects her help. The Gathering of the Tribes upon the isle that summer changes Eithni and Donnel's lives forever. A chain of events brings them together, forcing them both to change and to open their hearts. But is love enough to heal the wounds of the past?



Wednesday, 28 March 2018

BLOOD FEUD: on sale now!

Galan’s heavy tread stopped behind Tea, and she felt the weight of his gaze settle upon her.

“Tea,” he spoke her name softly, his powerful voice a low rumble. “Are you awake?”

Tea ignored him, feigning sleep.

“I know you’re awake—you’re not breathing,” he continued, a faint edge of amusement creeping into his voice. “You’re a poor mummer.”

Irritation surged through Tea. She rolled over and fixed him in a hard glare.

He met her gaze, his own steady, before favoring her with a slow smile. “That’s better.”

“What do you want?”

“We have not spoken all day—it’s time to break the silence between us.”

“I have nothing to say to a Dun Ringill dog.”

Galan gave a heavy sigh and shrugged off his cloak before unbuckling the heavy leather vest that covered his strong torso. “Your insults become repetitive, wife. Surely you have better names for me than that.”

Stinking pig turd. Maggot spawn. The insults rose within Tea but she choked them back. He was deliberately baiting her, and she would not give him what he wanted. 


Travel back in time--war, heartache and epic love in Dark Ages Scotland. Make sure you don't miss out on your .99 cent copy of BLOOD FEUD. It's only on sale for another two days!

Thursday, 8 March 2018

A quote to live by

Beautiful quote I'm using in BATTLE EAGLE (Book #3 of the Warrior Brothers of Skye). The novel is about loss, regret, and enduring hope.

Thursday, 22 February 2018

BATTLE EAGLE is underway!

I'm currently around 35% into the first draft of Book #3 of The Warrior Brothers of Skye series—BATTLE EAGLE.

I'm loving writing this book, perhaps even more so since we met the hero and heroine back in BLOOD FEUD, Book #1 of the series. It's about time I told Eithni and Donnel's story!

Readers have been really enthusiastic about this series so far, which makes Book #3 even more exciting to write. This is an emotional roller-coaster of a book though, and wrenching at times to write. Both characters are damaged, and will have to undertake quite an emotional journey in order to find love. Get out your tissues!

The cover is now ready and I'm excited to share it with you here. The warrior is exactly how I picture Donnel ... dark and brooding!

Here's what BATTLE EAGLE about:


Eithni believes herself too damaged to ever find love, and Donnel vows he will never love again. Can they find their way out of the darkness together?

A healer upon Dark Ages Isle of Skye, Eithni enjoys her life with the tribe of The Eagle. However, the scars of the past—and harrowing memories of the man who stole her innocence—make it impossible for her to find happiness.

The 'Battle Eagle', Donnel, is a warrior of renown. Only bitterness has soured his character. He lost his wife in childbirth and now can't even bear to look at his son. The infant is a reminder of the woman he loved and lost. These days Donnel is intent on wreaking vengence upon the world.

Although cowed by his anger, Eithni challenges Donnel about his bitterness. She's determined to bring father and son together—even if he rejects her help. The Gathering of the Tribes upon the isle that summer changes Eithni and Donnel's lives forever. A chain of events brings them together, forcing them both to change and to open their hearts. But is love enough to heal the wounds of the past?


BATTLE EAGLE should be ready for release mid-2018.

Scottish folklore on the Isle of Skye: The Old Man of Storr

The Old Man of Storr (Wikipedia image)
While researching a setting for BATTLE EAGLE (my current work in progress, Book #3: The Warrior Brothers of Skye), I came across The Old Man of Storr—a unique stone formation on the north of the island.

Actually, this landmark has some fascinating stories attached to it, which have inspired me! I have my characters going to a Gathering of the Tribes here.

I'll get to the folklore in a minute, but first, some detail about what this land mark actually is.

Situated off the west coast of Scotland, the Isle of Skye is known for its beautiful scenery and unique land formations.The 160ft tall pinnacle stands below the 600ft cliffs of the Storr itself. The spectacular ridge of hills (the result of a massive landslip) that runs for about 30km, form the backbone of the Trotternish peninsula in the north east of Skye contains one of the islands most recognisable landmarks, the Old Man of Storr (in Gaelic ‘Bodach an Stòrr’).

Giants, brownies and fairies

Brownie (source: Wikipedia)
There are plenty of tales attached to The Old Man of Storr. One story goes that the Storr is the thumb of a giant who then became buried in the earth after his death. Another version of this is that while fleeing from attackers two giants—husband and wife—made the error of looking back and turned to stone.

Another story features a brownie. In this tale, a man saved the life of a brownie but never asked for anything in return. The pair became good friends and after the man died (of a broken heart following the death of his wife), the brownie carved two stones, one became the Old Man of Storr, and the smaller one his wife.

The brownies, fairies (or the Fair Folk as they're named in my books) are often found in Scottish folklore. The are both beautiful and terrifying, and often trick humans. In this story, the fairy folk offer an elderly man the chance to always have his wife with him. Previously, the man would walk up to the top of a hill with his wife, but she is now too old. The old man accepts but it is a trick and the fairy folk turn both he and his wife to pillars of rock, ensuring that they would indeed always remain together.

Find out more about these fascinating stories on The Haunted Palace Blog.

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Hadrian's Wall - the setting of BARBARIAN SLAVE

I had a lot of fun researching Book #2 of The Warrior Brothers of Skye. BARBARIAN SLAVE begins at Hadrian's Wall during the 4th Century.

Although my Scottish Historical Romance BARBARIAN SLAVE is set back in the Dark Ages, a time we have only scant records of, the story hinges on a real historical event: the clash between the Picts and the Romans. The Great Conspiracy of 367 AD (also known as the Barbarian Conspiracy) is one of the most dramatic events in Romano-British history.

In the winter of 367 AD, a group of tribes north of the wall (the Picts, the Attacotti and the Scotti—and they may have even have had help from Saxons to the south) banded together and attacked Hadrian’s Wall. At this time, the Roman Empire was in turmoil and the garrison at the wall was weakened, and ready to fall.

At the beginning of the story, we spend some time at the ancient Roman fort (or castrum) of Vindolanda, just south of Hadrian's Wall. Located near the modern village of Bardon Mill, it guarded the Stanegate; the Roman road from the River Tyne to the Solway Firth. The heroine of this story, Lucrezia, is the wife of a high-ranking Roman garrison soldier living in the fort. These days, this fort is noted for the Vindolanda tablets. This is the site of some of the most important finds of military and private correspondence (written on wooden tablets) found anywhere in the Roman Empire.

Here are a few facts about Hadrian’s Wall to give some historical context:

  • Hadrian's Wall was a stone barrier built to separate the Romans and the Pict tribes in Scotland. 
  • Hadrian's Wall was built on the orders of the Roman emperor Hadrian, who was born in Rome in AD 76. 
  • The Romans began building the wall in 122 AD. It was constructed by three legions of soldiers. 
  • It allowed Roman soldiers to control the movements of people coming into or leaving Roman Britain. 
  • Every Roman mile along the Wall there was a milecastle; a fortified gateway which allowed Roman soldiers to go on patrol to the north of Hadrian’s Wall and control other people passing through the Wall. 
  • During the building of the Wall, it was decided to add forts. There were 16 forts in total along the length of the Wall. These meant that even more Roman soldiers were based along the wall and the frontier was more effectively controlled. 
  • It was 117 kilometers (73 miles) long across the narrow neck of England, from the North Sea to the Irish Sea. 
  • The wall was eight to ten feet wide and fifteen feet high. 
  • It took about 14 years to complete Hadrian's Wall. The largest structure ever made by the Romans.

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Return to Dark Ages Isle of Skye!

BARBARIAN SLAVE has been released! 

This emotional tale about a Pictish warrior and a Roman noblewoman was released yesterday (January 31, 2018).  Already I've had some amazing feedback about the novel—it seems as if readers can't get enough about Dark Ages Scotland.

I've already started on Book #3 of the series, BATTLE EAGLE.

Here's what some early reviews are saying about BARBARIAN SLAVE so far

"Great story, bold characters, strong heroes and beautiful but also strong heroine. It was an emotional journey with several twists and turns." (Kathy, Goodreads) ★★★★★

Jayne Castel has an immersive style of prose. She builds a world full of texture and main characters and side characters that seem real for all that they are the heroes and heroines of their day. Her villains always have a chance of winning, and that is what makes the story so thrilling. Add in a love story that ties emotions to actions and consequences, and you have the components of a great story. Bury yourself in the past with this great book." (Celestine, Amazon/Goodreads) ★★★★★

"Loved it! This story had a very good storyline and a strong female heroine! Could not put it down." (Karen, Goodreads) ★★★★★


He takes her as his warprize--but she enslaves his soul. Pict and Roman culture collide in this epic Historical Romance set in Dark Ages Scotland.

Lucrezia is the wife of a Roman soldier posted on the northernmost reach of the Empire. Locked in an unhappy marriage upon a desolate outpost, her hopes for happiness are slipping away. However, her life changes forever in the winter of 467 AD. Barbarians from the north band together and attack Hadrian's Wall.

Tarl mac Muin is a Pict warrior with a thirst for battle and glory. He's part of the Barbarian Conspiracy that will change history. But when he takes Lucrezia as his slave, he sets off a chain of events that neither of them could have foreseen.

In an epic adventure that starts at the Roman fort of Vindolanda at Hadrian's Wall and takes Lucrezia north to the wild shores of the Isle of Skye--she discovers love and happiness when she least expects it. Only, a shadow from the past risks ruining everything.

Get your copy here: